Priya Chellani’s on-screen debut Here is a sneak peak, a short impressionistic vignette  “Reading Carteret”. Priya Chellani is seen playing the character of the brilliant -but opinionated & fiery- Head of Radiology at a rural hospital in NC, Dr. Maira Darwish (Quite a different avatar from her usual fun dancing self). Directed by Chris Hobson, produced by American … Read morePriya Chellani’s on-screen debut

Series of High School Workshops in Bollywood Dance NC, May 2014

High School students in various schools enjoyed an hour of Bollywood Dance as part of their cultural learning syllabus. Despite not having done something like this before, they took it it like a fish to water! Bollywood dances based on popular folk Bhangra and Garba dances were taught, which the students found easy to follow … Read moreSeries of High School Workshops in Bollywood Dance NC, May 2014