Celebrate American Festivals with Bollywood Dance!

Bollywood Dance is all about celebrations! So wherever there are music and dance, it fits right in!

Why just Indian festivals? Go notches beyond ! With our creativity we help you Celebrate American festivals with BOLLYWOOD Dance!  With the versatility Bollywood Dance offers, you can be sure to find an effortlessly integrated mix. We blend traditions, It’s a global world after all! So enjoy it with our catchy music & dancers!

Be it Holi, Halloween, Diwali, Valentine, Christmas or Thanksgiving, Indigo Dance will help you find that unique flavor ! Just call on us to find out how… and we ‘ll help you get your festive (& creative juices) flowing!

Bollywood Dance for Holiday Party

Bollywood dance for Holiday parties

Bollywood at Halloween dance

Head bobBollywood Dance and Fitness Performing Arts academy in Raleigh-DurhamBollywood Dance and Indian performing arts classes in Raleigh DurhamThronging crowd-3


Celebrate VALENTINE’s Day with us

V-day Special Dance 2015